The Project


The last years Southern Neighbourhood (SN) regional development (Region 3) has paved the way for a skyrocketing increase in the number and nature of newly established youth Civil Society Actors (CSAs) that are now impacting the lives of millions of young people in the region.

Indeed, the youth CSAs have done a tremendous work to help bridge the gap where the governments’ efforts were inadequate.

In these last years, thanks to the Association Agreements (AA), the EU has been always closer to the region.

The AA has helped transfer administrative good practices and approximation to EU laws and norms to southern partner countries’ public administrations through over 230 institutional twinning (EU, 20201). Over 40.000 students, researchers and university staff moved between Europe and the Mediterranean region between 2015 and 2019, participating in 3.951 projects in the framework of Erasmus+.

Against this background, it is evident that financial resources from donors could help support various regional projects, especially the implementation of pilot projects and the exchange of experiences and lessons from across the region.

However, to reach this, it is fundamental to organize capacity building trainings for youth CSAs in the SN in order to:

  • raise their capacity of working with young people outside formal learning;
  • promote non-formal learning activities in SN, especially targeting young people with fewer opportunities, with a view to improving the level of competences while ensuring the active participation of young people in society.

Such training is of paramount importance since, a recent research relevels that most youth CSAs in the SN know how to properly write a project, how to look for funding and how to manage them once granted.

Project Objectives

The project aims to increase the capacity of the organizations in the Euro Mediterranean Region to cooperate fairly and equally in partnership in the field of youth. To achieve this, the project aims to create a capacity building training aimed at providing youth workers with a wide set of tools, technical skills and methods to help them grow their ideas and enhance their capacity in project management.

The inclusion of youth and the strengthening of their role in youth organisations, youth groups and EU youth programmes is going to be addressed through 4 key dimensions:

  1. Mobility of people and knowledge to ensure equal access for all young people to youth organisations and European youth programmes, building a society based on European values and identity;
  2. Jobs of tomorrow – Training, capacity building in the project management field;
  3. The resilience of local communities – Cooperation projects developed according to a multi stakeholder approach and deeply rooted in the territories;
  4. Inclusive generation – Building of a common vision of the challenges of the region among youth and enhancing of intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.

In order to achieve such objective, the project partners are going to:

  • define a competence frame for youth workers in the Region working internationally;
  • build a training module for youth workers to increase their capacity by promoting a contextualized education approach;
  • and provide a risk management plan to support the organization actions in the Region, that contain elementary safety and management.

This considering, the specific objectives of the project are:

  • To support the capacity development of youth organizations to work in the Euro Mediterranean youth field within the EU Programs.
  • To increase the number of the youth workers active in Euro Med cooperation by improving their competences.
  • To increase the opportunities to equally access international mobility project for young people in the Region.